Frequently Asked Questions on the 2013 Leadership Research Initiative
1. Why is the purpose of the research?
The purpose of the research is to learn about attitudes toward leadership behaviours in Singapore organisations. The results will be
compared with findings about servant leadership in a global context.
2. Who are the people conducting the research?
The research team consist of researchers from University of Illinois at Chicago in the US. The team is being hosted by the Greenleaf Centre for Servant Leadership-Asia here in Singapore. The University of Illinois team will be led by Dr Robert C. Liden, Professor of Managerial
Studies, and consists of two professors and two graduate students. The team have conducted research in the US with Fortune 500 companies and small businesses, as well as public and private sector organisations in Belgium, China, France, India, Korea, Tunisia and Turkey.
The two graduate students will come to Singapore to conduct the survey. The survey will cover business, government, and non-profit
3. What is the focus of the research?
The focus of the research is on the work attitudes and behaviours of employees in Singapore organisations.
4. What is different about Servant Leadership?
Servant leadership is distinct from traditional approaches, because it focuses on serving others. Servant-leaders identify and meet the needs of employees so they can perform at their highest levels. They also identify and meet the needs of their customers, clients, patients, members, students, or citizens; so that they can provide them with the programs, products, or services that they need most. Servant-leaders are known for their personal integrity and ethics.
5. When will the research take place?
The researchers are scheduled to be in Singapore to conduct the research from May 13 to May 21, 2013.
6. What is required of participating organizations?
The researchers would like to administer on-site surveys to 30 or more staff (who could be from a section) of the organisation. The survey has about 30 questions and can be answered within 5 to 10 minutes. Multiple survey administrations can be offered to cater to staff schedules. The researchers would also like to interview the managers whose staff members are surveyed. The interviews will take about 30 minutes each.
7. What will participating organizations receive from the survey?
Participating organizations will be given a comprehensive feedback report on employee workplace attitudes. The report will also relate the findings to research that has been done in other countries like the US and China.
8. What are the charges?
Participating organisations do not have to pay for the survey or the findings.
9. How is confidentiality observed in the study, e.g. will my organisation be cited in the survey’s findings?
The research report will not name any of the organisations, individual respondents, or small groups of employees. Findings on an organisation will only be given to the particular organisation. The results will be aggregated when shared with the general public so that each organisation’s results will remain confidential.
10. What do we need to provide to facilitate the information gathering?
The organisation will need to provide an easily accessible room where the researchers can be based and the staff can go to take the survey. It would be good if the room has wireless access for Internet. The size of the room will be dependent on the number of participants. The duration for use of the room will be dependent on the work pattern or time schedule when staff can come by to take the survey.
11. What is the process for an organisation to become a participating organisation?
We would like to meet with you briefly to discuss the details. We will ask you to appoint a person to be the contact point within your
organisation for the logistical details. We will proceed to confirm the details such as dates and times when the researchers can meet with your staff on the survey and interview their managers.
12. Why is the survey on-site?
The researchers prefer to conduct the research on-site so that they can meet the employees, answer any questions they may have, and provide assurances regarding the confidentiality of the research process.
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